Grape Ink 'En Plein Air' 2023

Grape Ink 'En Plein Air' 2023

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A unique expression of Pinot Noir, showing 4 different aspects of this grape: White, Rose, Red and Carbonic in one bottle.

Vineyard: Jarad’s neighbor’s vineyard that he began to farm organically in 2018. 800′ elevation, wind-blown mineral soils. Own Rooted Pinot Noir, 17-23-year-old vines

Making of: The grapes are hand harvested and split up into four separate fermenters. Each fermenter is vinified differently in order to achieve the various expressions of Pinot Noir: white (direct-press), rosé (short maceration of crushed grapes), red (a few days more of skin-contact) and a small lot of carbonic macerated pinot noir vinified in the vineyard. Each lot is then carefully blended together during fermentation. The resulting wine is aged in stainless steel and glass Bonbonnes and is bottled with minimal use of SO2 to allow the purity of pinot Noir and its diverse faces to surface.

Personality: Mix of blue and red fruit, bright and energetic with slate-like texture and persistent acidity.

From Jarad (the winemaker): “Quite simply this is one of my favorite wines in all aspects. After I tried it, I really did not want to sell any of the wine at all and keep it for myself.”