De Soi 'Golden Hour' 750ml
Golden Hour is made with lemon balm and L-theanine derived from green tea, botanicals known to spur creativity. Bright and bracing, each sunny sip has notes of warm citrus, lemongrass, and leafy herbs. It’s the bite you crave, but full of zest. It’s time to tap into your inner artiste and let loose, baby. Maca and lemon balm soothe your stress and spur creativity for a feel-good night in (or out).
Flavor Notes : Bright and bracing, with notes of warm citrus, lemongrass, and leafy herbs. The bite you crave, but full of zest.
Pairs well with : Sardines with lemon, labneh, french fries, braised white beans, shortbread cookies
This non-alcoholic apéritif comes ready to sip, so all you have to do is pop it in the fridge, pour into a pretty glass, and enjoy. Ice and garnishes are welcome, but not required.
De Soi apéritifs are shelf-stable prior to opening. Once popped, a bottle will stay bubbly for about a week. If you don’t finish it in one go, reseal the cap and keep it chilled in the fridge.
Non-alcoholic - 30 calories per glass - No artificial colors or flavors - Lightly carbonated - Vegan & gluten-free
Shelf life: 12–24 months
Storage: Shelf-stable
Made in United States
Ingredients: Water, Pear Juice from concentrate, Yuzu Juice, Earl Grey Tea Extract, Maple Syrup, Chamomile Herbal Tea Extract, Bergamot Extract, Rosemary Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Green Tea Extract, Bay Extract, Lemongrass Essence, Hop Extract, Maca Powder Extract, Elderflower Extract
Inspired by the French ethos of pleasure and restraint, De Soi is a range of non-alcoholic apéritifs made with natural adaptogens. It’s an apéritif made for moments you don't want to forget, whether you’re laughing with friends over dinner or indulging in a solo toast to yourself.